Curling Unit
Curling Unit
Curling Unit

CB 1000

Curling Unit - Special abrasives coated brush for enhancing product value

  • Cleans, smoothens the surface and creates a shiny finish
  • Accommodation on variation of product height either way front back, left to right or even diagonally over the product layer
  • Can be integrated at the KBH Dancing Weight System and also installed as a stand alone system
  • The modular design allows to accommodate any required machine cycle time in conjunction with the desired appearance
  • The KBH Curling System will accommodate any product on any pallet size

When installes at the KBH Dancing Weight Systme 3 modes of operation are posibble
  • Distressing and Curling
  • Distressing only – curling brush lifted
  • Curling only – dancing weights lifted

CB 1000

CB 1000 - Samples
Multi colour slab half original and half curled
Multi colour slab half original and half curled
Distressed multi colour slab. Half distressed only and half distressed and curled
Distressed multi colour slab. Half distressed only and half distressed and curled
Shot blasted slab with black granite face mix in direct comparison to the same slab shot blasted and curled
Shot blasted slab with black granite face mix in direct comparison to the same slab shot blasted and curled
CB 1000 - Downloads
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